可持续性承诺和责任|公司|Elekta Hero


可持续性 - 是我们的责任

As a global company, we have global responsibilities not just to our shareholders, customers and employees, but to the communities we work in, and the world we leave behind to our children and grandchildren.

Conducting a business sustainably and responsibly is not a matter of choice anymore. It is a must. As it turns out - it is also a key ingredient in the recipe for a company's success. It is therefore the most fundamental part of our company strategy and integrated in everything we do at Elekta.

A program connected to a global agenda



Top-down and bottom-up


An integrated approach is key to truly succeed with corporate sustainability. Each of our four focus areas has their own programs and strategic plans for implementation developed together with, and carried out by, the business line organizations, the regions and relevant group functions depending on where it is most appropriate. This way we can ensure effective management and alignment with other strategic initiatives and targets.

阅读更多关于我们的可持续发展项目is structured and coordinated, and especially to see what targets we set and report on externally, please visit our年度可持续性报告。您也可以阅读我们的每年详细信息2021 carbon emissions report到碳披露项目(CDP)。


The ethical principles in ourCode of Conduct是建立可持续公司的所有基石。我们的可持续性努力和政策得到了领先的全球标准和以下原则的指导: