
用于研究的Elekta产品应列入方法和材料出版物和演示部分。使用的产品通常如下所示:产品名称,版本[如果适用],Elekta AB,斯德哥尔摩,瑞典


  • Leksell伽玛刀图标,Elekta Ab,斯德哥尔摩,瑞典
  • Elekta Unity Mr-Linac,Elekta Ab,斯德哥尔摩,瑞典
  • Mosaiq,Elekta Ab,斯德哥尔摩,瑞典
  • Flexitron,Elekta Ab,斯德哥尔摩,瑞典

Please note that the usual “®” and ”™” monikers are not used with the names in this listing in order to comply with the guidance from The AMA Manual of Style, which specifically states that a trademark (e.g., ®, TM or SM) should not be used in scientific journal articles or references, but the initial letter of a trademarked word should be capitalized.